Busy, Busy, Busy

Sawadee Khrap

At least Tasanai is, his business is really growing – Went to Fang to do a 2 day shooting for the Spirit transfer to Lampang and last night he got a call to do a 1 day shoot in Lampang on Sunday.  So he’ll go from Fang to Lampang and not get home till Sunday night.

I just spent the whole day looking for video tutorials for Sony Vegas.  Got some nice ones and learned some very nice new tricks – I’ll show them to Tas and see what he can use.  Should make his videos really unique.

Just heard a very loud thunder clap – the storm is getting closer now  – mild rain most of the early afternoon, but the black clouds are coming in now – so I have to cut this short while I still have power to post.  




One thought on “Busy, Busy, Busy”

  1. Frank, That Chiang Mai Data display clock/temperature at the top of the page… is it new? I had never noticed it before.

    Ya, I saw it on Michael’s blog Cintaboo , liked it , checked it out and added it – pretty nice.

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