River Barrow Carlow Bridge, Ireland

Sawadee Khrap

Pat, I hope you like this version of your image of the bridge.  Full size  30 x 20 inch canvas – digital acrylic oil painting. Quite a challenge, the trees on the left and branches on the right sides really became a learning lesson on brushes and blending – showing shadow and  effect in a painterly way – learned a lot of new techniques – thanks for the excellent example to use as a learning image.


July 27th  Update – Studying the above painting I think it is un-balanced being too heavy on the right side and should have the left and right sides cropped to make it more balanced – I suppose this could also be done by wrapping the canvas around a smaller frame to achieve the same results.   Below is a cropped version of the painting showing this change  – what do you think.CarlowBridge-web2  Of course the border makes this difficult.


Boat in Sattahip

Sawadee Khrap

Here is a watercolor painting I did last year of a scene in Sattahip.  I am working of several digital oil paintings and intend to do some more watercolor paintings soon.  Painting has taken up most of my time and going back through my old photo libraries has revealed some great images that I can use.PattayaBoat -paint-PS_DAP_Watercolor  I also intend to make a book of all my paintings.


Your Move

Sawadee Khrap

Here is my latest composition – entitled “Your Move”.  it’s a 22in wide x 32in high digital painting.  I still don’t have the hair down yet – working on it,  but blending for shadows, especially on skin is working great.  I changed to a darker canvas – I think it really brings out the colors.YourMove-22x32h-150-web
