Friends visiting

Sawadee Khrap

DSC00418DSC00428Last week Charlie came from Bangkok to visit and we took a trip to the Chiang Mai Zoo to see the Pandas.  Here are some of the animals, but the place was crawling with kids so we left early.

DSC_5416DSC00465DSC00485DSC00607And then later in  the week after Charlie had gone back to BKK – Team had 2 of his friends (Film and Ann) come visit DSC00624-Editfor the afternoon – It’s nice to have visitors to the place now – feels more like home now and you can really see Team’s influence on the condo.  I think they made brownies and played on the computer – I went for a massage to pass the time and give them some time alone. Girl talk you know and in Thai so I couldn’t eavesdrop – Devil

This afternoon Team’s aunt will come for a short visit.  We’re starting to settling in very comfortably.  Next week Team starts school and has a very busy course load – we also have to get the tire fixed on his bike so he will have transportation.  Next month we will be buying the graduation gown for his Bachelor of Science ceremony coming up – the Princes will present the diploma. Really looking forward to that  – but no one is allowed to take photos – have to buy the official photos – part of the Royal attendance policy.


3 thoughts on “Friends visiting”

  1. Nothing wrong with feeing annoying children to the lions. Then their disinterested parents who let them run amok.

    1. Ya Ian – screaming rug rats are not something I like to be around – but it’s great that the schools take these kids on zoo outings – it’s very difficult to see any animals in the local jungles – just gone – very little road kill, so its hard for these kids to see any animals except in a zoo.

  2. Frank, It looks like you’ve really settled in now and made the condo really homely, thanks to Team.
    Hope you’re keeping well and healthy, and eating well.


    Thanks David – Great to hear from you – How is everything going for you – no recurrence I hope – Still wanting to see you visit Thailand

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