Sawadee Khrap

I am starting to modify the look and feel of the Blog.

There is no sense in trying to re-invent the wheel and there are several established  excellent sites for ACIM.   So my first change is to remove the old links category for ACIM daily lessons. 

Please take a look at the new ACIM sidebar.

  • Foundation of Inner Peace
  • Pathways of Light

The first offers the lessons exactly as presented in the book and also has a Audio version you can listen to.  This is almost the same as I had before –

The second is a link to Pathways of Light’s comments and suggestions on each lesson.

Both are excellent study points and really offer a better format than my ACIM category and daily readings.  And with both you can sign up and have them sent to your email address – pertty neat.

I am also preparing, for the sidebar, a yearly guide to daily lessons that was used when I was attending Pat Wescott & Dave Davis’s Miracle Center in San Mateo, California.  This study schedule is designed to allow one to completely read the entire book (3 sections) in one year – a day at a time.  I’ll add it to the sidebar soon.

Hope you like this format – appreciate your comments.
